Sunday, April 21, 2013

When the cat is away, the mice will play

When the cat is away, the mice will play
When the cat is away, the mice will play


Mr. Tulkinghorn, deceased, he held all these horses in his hand, and could have drove 'em his own way, I haven't a doubt; but he was fetched off the box head-foremost, and are all dragging and pulling their own ways. So it is, and such is life. The cat's away, and the mice they play. (Dickens)

What noise was that? Gramophone going in the kitchen! When the cat was away, the mice! People were all alike - take what they could get, and give as little as they could for it. (Galsworthy)

The only times they ever shot at me were at evening, from out of the bushes. I was within their range, but they were out of mine. Out of the range of my consciousness and will. That was why they had the courage to shoot. When the man's away, the bugs will play. (Huxley)

A piece of tinfoil on the pavement resisted the broom. I had to stoop down and lift it with a fingernail. Those assistant bank mice were really mousing the hour with Cat Baker away. (Steinbeck)

Russian translation

Когда кошки нет, мыши резвятся.
В отсутствие начальства или старшего лица подчиненные или младшие по возрасту (по положению) ведут себя более вольно.


When the cat is away.


While the cat is away, the mice [may] play.
The cat is away, and the mice play.


The mouse lordships where a cat is not.
Sport as you may while the master's away.


Кот из дома - мыши в пляс.
Мыши танцуют, когда кота не чуют.
Без кота мышам раздолье.

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