Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Everybody's business is nobody's business

Everybody's business is nobody's business
Everybody's business is nobody's business

Russian translate

Дело всех - это ничье дело.
Если каким-либо делом занято несколько человек, то все они надеются друг на друга и выполняют его менее тщательно и ответственно или не выполняют совсем.


What is everybody's business is nobody's business.


Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Many commanders sink the ship.
A public hall is never swept.


У семи нянек дитя без глазу.


Lysistrata. You mind your own business, Joe.
Magnus. Oh no: really, really, my dear Lysistrata, you must not take that line. Our business is to meddle is everybody's business. A Prime Minister is a busybody by profession. So is a monarch. So are we all.
Lysistrata. Well, they say everybody's business is nobody's business, which is just what Joe is fit for. (B. Shaw)

"Now I want allaya to remember that the policeman is your friend," he had concluded, and Selena recalled the look in the eyes of the shack-dwelling children. "Friend..." said the look. "Busybody minding everybody's business but his own." (Metalious)

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