Saturday, April 6, 2013

Every bullet has its billet

Every bullet has its billet
Every bullet has its billet

Russian translation

У каждой пули свое назначение.
В жизни нет ничего слуяайного - что ни делается, все имеет свою цель и назначение.


What will be, will be.
No flying from fate.


От судьбы не уйдешь.
Чему быть, того не миновать.
Пуля виновного найдет.
От смерти не откупишься.


"And are you not afraid that she may be left a widow while still a young woman? What between wild beasts and wilder savages, Pathfinder may be said to carry his life in his hand." "Every bullet has its billet, Lundie ... and no man in the 55th can call himself beyond, or above, the chances of sudden death." (Cooper)

Why did I fall in love with Rozzie? Most men fall in love because they want to; that's why they can't be stopped. But I didn't want to fall in love with either Sara or Rozzie. I wanted to get on with my work. I was the victim of circumstances. Every billet has its bullet, there's a fatal woman for every man. Luckily he doesn't often meet her. (Cary)

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