Monday, April 8, 2013

Business is business

Business is business
Business is business

Russian translation

Дело есть дело.
Нет ничего важнее дела.


Business before pleasure.
Business first, pleasure afterwards.


Игра игрою, а дело делом.
Кончил дело- гуляй смело.


Whenever there was a contract to be entered upon, important move to be decided, or a representative of a manufactory to be sent anywhere to consummate a deal, Lester was the agent selected. His father trusted him implicitly, and so diplomatic and earnest was he in the fulfillment of his duties that this trust had never been impaired. "Business is business", was a favorite axiom with him (Dreiser)

He gets worse. Talk about rough riding or whatever they call it! He's the complete bouncing bounder. Business may be business, but give me a gentleman to deal with in it, every time. (Priestly)

I was surprised, I said, that Henry who had a real flair for publishing because he cared about books should be led into this sort of 'business is business' attitude that, if persevered in, would mean confining one's list to all the dullest books produced. (Wilson)

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