Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One cannot be too careful

One cannot be too careful
One cannot be too careful


"Baldwin," he assured them, "will pull us through. He's a cautious old bird, but as wise as they make 'em. Just what we need. "You can't be too careful," that's got to be England's motto." (Wilson)

I was so afraid there might be something really wrong with the dear kiddy. I was telling Walter that you through it might be a chill. I'm so glad it wasn't, my dear. You can't be too careful with them, can you? (Priestley)

I was profoundly thankful that Jeeves had votes against my giving Florence a birthday present. Such a gift, if Stilton heard of it, would have led to his tearing me limb from limb or, at the best, summoning me for failing to abdate a smoky chimney. You can't be too careful how you stir up policeman (Wodehouse)

Russian translation

Невозможно быть слишком осторожным.
Даже самая большая осторожность не во вред: чем осторожнее человек, тем лучше.


You cannot be too careful.


Caution is the parent of safety.
Discretion is the better part of valour.
Look before you leap.


Береженого бог бережет.
Не зная броду, не суйся в воду.
Осторожность - мать безопасности.

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