Sunday, March 31, 2013

Man does not live by bread alone

Man does not live by bread alone

Russian translation

Не хлебом только живет человек.
Человеку необходимы не только материальные, но и духовные ценности.


Man cannot live by bread alone.


Не хлебом единым жив человек.


Blaise Meredith looked at it and found it good. Good in itself, good in the man who had made it. Man did not live by bread alone - but he could not live without it. The old monks had had the same idea. They planted the cross in the middle of a desert - and then planted corn and fruit trees, so that the barren symbol flowered into a green reality. (West)

"I see that you and I am going to put in a lot of museum time. You eventually cross a threshold of emotion - mostly just by looking. But it's like almost any valuable accomplishment - it has to be learned." "Is it worth it?" I knew I sounded like a Philistine, but I resented his assumption that it was my duty to be taught and his to teach... "To me it's worth it," he said. He put his hand on my arm gently. "Don't underestimate the joys of the spirit, Douglas. Man does not live by caviar alone." (I. Shaw)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

None but the brave deserve the fair

None but the brave deserve the fair

Russian translation

Только храбрые достойны красавиц.
Смелые люди преуспевают в том, за что беруться.


Faint heart never won fair lady.
Fortune favours the brave.
Nothing venture, nothing have.


Смелость города берет.
Храбрым счастье помогает.
Кто смел, тот на коня сел.


Nothing but the brave deserve the fair, and while youth lasts we are all of us, whether fair or unfair, prone to fall down and worship courage, and if Captain Luttrell had given her some couse for personal dissatifaction with him, none the less was he a hero of the loftiest order. (Norris)

The brave deserve the lovely - every woman may be won. (Leland)

An idle brain is the devil's workshop

An idle brain is the devil's workshop

Russian translation

Праздный ум - мастерская дъявола.
Праздность приводит к дурным последствиям, толкает на дурные поступки.


An idle man is the devil's bolster (cushion, couch).
An idle person is the devil's playfellow.


By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do.
Idleness is the mother (root) of all evil (sin, vice).


Праздность - мать всех пороков.
Лень до добра не доводит.
Труд человека кормти, а лень портит.


Tell him to be a good boy and study hard. As idle brain is the devil's workshop. (Biggers)

The letters are soon done and the moment I begin reading she goes to sleep, so I am left just sitting there - with an idle mind - and we all know the use the devil has for idleness. (Christie)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What is bread in the bone will come out in the flesh

What is bread in the bone will come out in the flesh

Russian translation

То, что вскормлено в кости, проявится в плоти.
Наследственные черты не изменишь - они непременно проявятся.


What is bread in the bone. Bread in the bone.


What is bread in the bone will (not) go out of the flesh.


The leopard cannot change his sports.
Nature will have its course.
You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.


Горбатого могила исправит.
Волк каждый год линяет, да обычай не меняет.
Дураком родился, дураком помрешь.


"With wise and careful traning many of her faults may be cured," said uncle Wallace, pompously. "I doubt it," said Aunt Ruth, in a biting tone. "What's bread in the bone comes out in the flash. As for Douglas Starr, I think that it was perfectly disgraceful for him to die and leave that child without a cent" (Montgomerry)

It is rather the fashion in these days to scoff at hereditary vices, or hereditary virtues; but "what's in the blood will out in the flesh". (Smart)

"That Floy," old Ninn continued, "has been at you. A bad background, if ever there was one. What's bred in the child comes out in the woman. Don't believe a word of what she tells you." (Marsh)

"Well, what are you interested in?" "Money!" "Aha! What's bred in the bone, eh? Get something of it from your father, eh? Well, that's a good trait." (Dreiser)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The first blow is half the battle

The first blow is half the battle

Russian translation

Первый удар - это половина сражения.
Начало предрешает исход.


Half the battle.


The first blow is as much as two.


It is the first stem that costs.
Well begun is half done.
A good beginning makes a good ending.


Доброе начало полдела откачало.
Лиха беда начало.
Почин всего дороже.


He bids you mind, amid your thoughtless rattle,
That the first blow is ever half the battle. (Burns)

"You know my motto," said the G.O.C. is measured tones, "Look before you leap. All in good time. Through preparation is half the battle. I strongly advise you not to make any premature moves." (Kirst)

Mr. Hartog came back to his laugh. "You have a lovely wife. That's half the battle." "That's the whole battle." "Ethan, you'll make him think we fight." (Steinbeck)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blood is thicker than water

Russian translation

Кровь не вода.
Семейные узы очень прочны, и с ними невозможно не считаться.


Black is thick.


Blood is blood. Charity begins at home.
Near is my coat (shirt), but nearer is my shirt (skin).


К своему рту ложка ближе.
Своя рубаха ближе к телу.
Свой своему поневоле брат.
Свой дурак дороже чужого умника.


"I can't say no to this letter," she said to her brother. "She sounds like a really nice girl." "Then don't say so," said Franklin Hubert. "Blood is thicker than water. And it's time he did something about supporting you." (O'Hara)

Salome was exactly what Valeri and Irene had remembered, except that she laughed louder and was more downright than ever. "Never thought to set foot in this hell-hole again, but it seems that blood is thicker than vinegar ... just think of Irene finding a husband at her age! Most girls would have given up hope long ago. Enough to make a cat laugh." (Garnett)

After all, her father had married my aunt, which made us sort of cousins, and there was nothing necessarily sinister in a bit of cousinly bustling about. Blood, I mean to say, when you come right down to it, being thicker than water. (Wodehouse)

"For God's sake, mother, who is this dingy bore, and why do you have to have her here?" "You forget, dear, that she's your kinswoman." "I remember it all too clearly! Blood may be thicker than water, but must we wallow in it? What does she want anyway?" (Plomer)

Possibly there were some other, more distantly related Comstocks, for Gran'pa Comstock had been one of a family of twelve. But if any survived they had grown rich and lost touch with their poor relations; for money is thicker than water. (Orwell)

Monday, March 25, 2013

None is so blond as they who will not see

None is so blond as they who will not see

Russian translation

Никто так не слеп, как тот, кто не желает видеть.


None so blind as those who won't see.
There are none so blind as those who won't see.


None is so deaf as those who won't hear.


Хуже всякого слепого [тот], кто не хочет видеть.
Хуже всякого глухого [тот], кто не хочет слышать.


"I suppose for her present role she cannot be too old, the older the better." "What do you mean?" says Gillian, mystified, "What role?" But Anne only runs away laughing, and telling her that she is dull, and there are none so blind as those who will not see. (Broughton)

Little Dorrit received a call that same evening from Mr. Plornish, who, having intimated that he wished to speak to her privately, in a series of coughs so very noticeable as to favour the idea that her father, as regarded her seamstress occupation, was an illustration of the axion that there are no such stone blind men as those who will not see, obtained an audience with her on the common staircase outside the door. (Dickens)

"That poor Sir John! One cannot help feeling for him also. I never in my life saw a man half so puzzled." "What about?" asked the Italian, stirring the sugar into the glass of lomonade. "None so blind as those who don't choose to see. You abandon him, and I cannot stay. So what's to become of his daughter, sweet, pretty creature?" (Ruffini)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch

If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch

Russian translation

Если слепой ведет слепого, оба свалятся в канаву.
Если несведущий человек берется давать советы такому же несведущему или руководить им, то это приводит к печальным последствиям для обоих.


The blind leading the blind.


Слепой слепца водит, оба ни зги не видят.
Слепого в вожаки не берут.
Косой кривого не учит.


It is written, When the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch: wherefore, in such circumstances, may it not sometimes be safer, if both leader and led simply - sit still? (Carlyle)

They walked along without any particular destination, but simply for the sake of walking through this soft cool night. Coleman ld the way, tapping the pavement at every step with the ferrule of his stick. "The blind leading the blind," he explained. "Ah, if only there were a ditch, a crevasse, a great hole full of stinging centepides and dung. How gleefully I should lead you all into it!" (Huxley)

If only ... books were sold by men of taste, familiar with their contents, the public would buy more good literature: as things are, the blind bookseller leads the blind customer. (Squire)

Among the blind the one-eyed man is king

Among the blind the one-eyed man is king

Russian translation

Среди слепых одноглазый человек — король.
Когда нет выбора, надо мириться с тем, что в других условиях было бы неприемлемым.


Better one-eyed than stone-blind.


In the kingdom (country) of the blind the one-eyed man is king.


Half a loaf is better than no bread.
There is small choice in rotten apples.
Any port in a storm.


Кривой среди слепых — король.
На безрыбье и рак рыба.
В темноте и гнилушка светится.


Among the blind the one-eyed is king, and among a crowd of total strangers an acquaintance rises into a friend. (Broughton)

“Do you mean to say that there are many like you in your country?” “Are you serious?” asked Antonio. “You look upon Italy, as a kingdom of the blind, where the one-eyed is king. Believe me, my dear lady, you may find many far superior to me, who both live comparatively useless and die unknown.” (Ruffini)

There were deep mysterious shadows in the gorge, blue deepening into purple, and purple into a luminous darkness, and overhead was the illimitable vastness of the sky. But he heeded these things no longer, but lay quite inactive there, smiling as if he were satisfied merely to have escaped from the valley of the Blind in which he had thought to be King. (Wells)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Two blacks do not make a white

Two blacks do not make a white

Russian translation

Черное на черное не даст белого (цвета).
Не следует считать, что повторением дурного поступка или ответом злом на зло можно добиться добра.


Two wrongs do not make a right.


Из лжи правды не вырастишь.
Злом зла не поправишь.


«You are talking like a fool again,” she interrupted angrily. “Confusing the issue.” “I thought I was clarifying it,” he protested. “And anyhow, what is the issue?” “The issue's me, you, real life, happiness. And you go chattering away about things in the air, Like a fool!” “And what about you?” he asked. “Are you such a clever one at real life? Such an expert in happiness?”... Helen sighed, then, squaring her shoulders and in a tone of resolution, “Two blacks don't make a white,” she said. “Besides, I'm my own affair!” (Huxley)

Bill. I'm going to Kennintahn, to spit in Todger Fairmile's eye. I bashed Jenny Ill's face; and now I'll get me own face bashed and come back and shew it to er... That'll make us square... Is That fair or is it not? You're a gentleman: you oughter know. Barbara. Two black eyes wont make one white one, Bill. (B. Shaw)

Once bitten, twice shy

Once bitten, twice shy

Russian translation

Однажды укушенный — вдвойне пуглив.
Однажды сделав ошибку, впредь будешь более осторожным при подобных обстоятельствах.


Once bit, twice shy.


A burnt child dreads the fire.
The scalded cat fears cold water.


Обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть и на воду.
Пуганная ворона куста боится.


«Jenny... why have you never married again?” “ Never had the chance, I suppose. Well, yes... I'll admit. A few fellows have come messing around. But I couldn't fancy none of them.” She smiled suddenly. “You know how it is, Mr. Desmonde. Once bitten twice shy.” (Cronin)

I ought, after having once been bitten, to have shown myself twice shy. But in the state of misery in which I found myself I hoped that a second bite might distract my attention from the anguish of the first. (Huxley)

You and your husband live in New York, then?” “Don't have any husband,” Mrs Chandler replied, with a radiant smile. “Married at seventeen, divorced a twenty-one. Once bitten... No. I spend part of the year in Beverley Hills, and the other part in New York.” (Johnson) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Old birds are not to be caught with chaff

Old birds are not to be caught with chaff

Russian translation

Старых птиц на мякину не поймаешь
Опытного человека нельзя обмануть пустословием или нехитрыми приемами.


An old bird. To catch with chaff.


You cannot catch old birds with chaff.
Old birds are not caught with chaff.


An old fox is not easily snared.
Experience teaches us wisdom.
Experience is the mother of wisdom.


Старого воробья на мякине не проведешь.
Старый волк знает толк.


There was a softness in Roy's voice such as I imagined he would use if he were telling a prospective father that his wife was about to gratify his wishes. It cut no ice with me. “Come off it, Roy,” I said. “I'm too old a bird to be caught with chaff. Spit it out.” (Maugham)

Everybody hunted him. The other young ladies languished after him still more longingly. He had little notes from these; presents of purses worked by them, and cigar-cases embroidered with his coronet. They sang to him in cozy boudoirs. They ogled him as they sang. And so forth, and so forth – with which chaff our noble bird was by no means to be caught. (Thackeray)

On this present birthday, Mr. Bagnet has accomplished the usual preliminaries. He has bought two specimens of poultry, which, if there be any truth in adages, were certainly not caught with chaff, to be prepared for the spit. (Dickens)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Birds of a feather flock together

Birds of a feather flock together

Russian translation

Птицы с одинаковым оперением собираются вместе.
Люди сходных характеров, вкусов или рода занятий обычно общаются и солидарны друг с другом.


Birds of feather. To stick together.


Birds of a feather fly (stick) together.


Like to like. Deep will call to deep.


Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.
Масть к масти подбирается.
Свой своему поневоле брат.


You never know... what makes two women stick together. Birds of a feather flock together, that's the old saying. Still it's strange. (Miller)

“And don't sit there, mum, like a good little puss! I thought you required some of that same treatment yourself.” “Me?” Sally said, and looked at him sideways. “You,” he said drily. “Birds of a feather are now going to fly together. In other words, my invitation was not so selfish as it sounded. I might need your sympathetic ear. But you, my sweet Sally, need a load of big-brotherly advice, too.” (Beaty)

Of no city, in my experience, is this more true than of Paris. There high society seldom admits outsiders into its midst, the politicians live in their own corrupt circle, the bourgeoisie, great and small, frequent one another, writers congregate with writers... painters hobnob with painters and musicians with musicians. The same thing is true of London, but in a less marked degree; these birds of a feather flock much less together, and there are a dozen houses where at the same table you may meet a duchess, an actress, a painter, a member of Parliament, a lawyer, a dressmaker and an author. (Maugham)

He isn't manly, but he's older and experienced. I wouldn't be surprised if he understood Hedda better than anybody does. I think they're birds of a feather. (O'Hara)

From what I can gather, if Jan's doctor when she had pleurisy had been that alarmist young woman you dislike so much, this mightn't have happened at all. Not that they said so much. All these doctors stick together. It's what they don't say that's significant. (Cusack)

His expenses were twopence a day food and fourpence for his bed in a cafe full of other birds of his feather. (Galsworthy)

The four girls rose from their table and one put on the gramophone. They began to dance together in a graceful slow old-fashioned style. Their balloon skirts swung like silver censers and showed their slender legs the color of young deer; they smiled gently to each other and held one another a little apart. They were beautiful and undifferentiated, like birds of the same plumage. (Greene)

Monday, March 18, 2013

It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest

It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest

Russian translation

Только дурная птица пачкает собственное гнездо.
Только недостойный человек дурно отзывается о собственной семье, доме, коллективе или наносит им ущерб.


To foul one's own nest.


It is an ill (foul) bird that defiles its own nest.


Don't tell tales out of school.


Худая та птица, которая гнездо свое марает.
Не вынови из избы сору [так меньше будет вздору]


And where's the use o' vilifying one's country, and bringing a discredit on one's kin, before southrons and strangers? It's an ill bird that files its own nest. (W. Scott)

“You're English, then?” “Pure,” said Mr. Blythe. “So am I; so's old Foggart – I looked him up in the stud-book. It's lucky, because we shall certainly be assailed for lack of patriotism.” “We are,” said Mr. Blythe. “People who can see no good in their own country... Birds who foul their own nest.” (Galsworthy)

It seemed to me as I lay tossing that Cordelia had not only fouled her nest but the universe, that the very war was hardly worth winning if she was what our boys would come home to. (Auchincloss)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The early bird catches the worm

The early bird catches the worm

Russian translation

Ранняя птичка ловит червяка.
Тот, кто рано встает или действует без промедления, достигает своей цели.


The early bird.


It is the early bird that catches the worm.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
First come, first served.


Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.
Кто пораньше встает, тот грибки берет, а сонливый да ленивый идут следом за крапивой.
Кто поздно пришел, тому обглоданный мосол.


"how do you manage to get up so early in the morning? It would kill me!" Nancy chucked. "Just habit, I guess," she answered. "You know it's said, 'The early bird catches the worm', and I figure if I get out early enough in the morning, I may catch a villain or two." (Keene)

Holmes was not prone to friendship, but he was tolerant of the big Scotchman, and smiled at the sight of him. "You are an early bird, Mr. Mac," said he. "I wish you luck with your worm. I fear this means that there is some mischief afoot." (Doyle)

Horne Fisher came down next morning in a late and leisurely fashion, as was his reprehensible habit; he had evidently no appetite for catching worm. (Chesterton)

Try out milk! None others are genuine! Who can do without milk? Even whales can't do without milk. If any lady or gentleman keeps a favourite whale at home, now's their chance! The early whale catches the milk. (Chesterton)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Russian translation

Птица в руке стоит двух в кустах.
Не стоит пренебрегать реальным, верным делом (перспективой) ради нереальных замыслов (мечтаний).


A bird in the hand. A bird in the bush.


A bird in the hand is worth two in the wood.


A gift in the hand is better than two promises.
A pound in the purse is worth two in the book.
Better an egg today, than a hen tomorrow.


Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.
Лучше голубь в тарелке, чем глухарь на току.


"Well, it's about time you were stiring yourself. You can't stop at home for ever." "But I don't like Musgrave... There's nothing wrong with him. He's a nice lad. Only I just don't want to court him, that's all." "A bird in the hand's worth two in the bush," Aunt Daisy said. "If you are waiting for Prince Charming to ride up on a white horse you'll be at home when you're seventy." (Barstow)

In her third year high she found a job in a small but expanding restaurant, where she cashiered from the busy hour until closing. In her last year high the business increased so rapidly that Lottie was faced with the choise of staying in school or working fulltime. She made her choise easily. A job in hand was worth two in the future. (West)

Soames doggedly let the spring come - no easy task for one conscious that time was flying, his birds in the bush no nearer the hand, no issue from the web anywhere visible. (Galsworthy)

Harry was a crook, but we were and still are fond of him. But for Martha to do a thing like that would be unthinkable. Unthinkable. Not very practical either. "Oh, I don't know," said Abraham Lockwood. "The bird in the hand? No, Locky. There may be more than two birds in that bush. What I'm implying is that she may stand to get more than twice two hundred thousand, eventually." (O'Hara)

Friday, March 15, 2013

A good beginning makes a good ending

A good beginning makes a good ending

Russian translate

Хорошее начало обеспечивает хороший конец.


A good beginning.


A good beginning is half the battle.
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
It is the first step that costs.


Доброе начало полдела откачало.
Плохое начало - и дело встало.
Лиха беда начало.


"Catherine" - Fraser hesitated - "you don't really know much about Larry, do you?" Catherine felt her back stiffening. "I know I love him, Bill," she said evenly, "and I know that he loves me. That's a pretty good beginning, isn't it?" (Sheldon)

I think, we've each spoken our piece. I'm going to accept your report. As to these mistakes, mistakes of yours, or unfortunate incidents, as you prefer to call them, well, they say a bad beginning makes a good ending. (Caine)

He was, he said, a poet who had never written poetry, a painter who had never painted, a lover who had never loved (absolutely) - someone, in short, without direction, and quite headless. Oh, it wasn't that he hadn't tried - good beginnings, always, bad endings always. (Capote)

Anyhow Constantius does just as Eusebius tells him. Everyone says so. Which means if you have Eusebius on your side, that's half the battle. And I've got him. (Vidal)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Beggars cannot be choosers

Beggars cannot be choosers

Russian translation

Нищие не могут быть слишком разборчивым.


Beggars must (should) be no choosers.


Needs must when the devil drives.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


Нужда заставит, и не хошь - везешь
Богатому как хочется, а бедному как можется.


"But, dammit, what's the use in talking, I'll have to take it," Coffey said. "I've told Vera I have a job." "It's up to you," Jerry said. "But if you start small, you'll wind up small." "Yes, but beggars can't be choosers - " Coffey began. (Moore)

His Colonel happened to be a friend of some minor director of the Indescribable, and, hearing that a discreet man was needed to undertake the duties outlined above, recommended Brendon. The offer fell at his feet just when he was demobilized; he hated the idea of it, but was sensible enough to realize, even then, that ex-officers cannot be choosers. (Knox)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

You have made your bed, and you must lie on it

You have made your bed, and you must lie on it

Russian translation

Ты постелил свою кровать, тебе на ней и спать.
Каждый должен нести ответственность за свои поступки.


To lie on the bed one hs made.


As you make your bed so you must lie on it.


As a man shows, so shall he reap.
As you brew, so must you drink.
As a man lives, so shall he die.


Как постелишь, так и поспишь.
Посеешь лукошко, так и пожнешь немножко.
Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.


My self-pity was at that time valuable, for it kept hope alive. Had I sturdily said to myself, "You have made your bed and you must lie on it, serve you right", I should have accepted this as the last word on the subject and have sunk into despair. (Johnson)

And then rather illogically, she added, "I'd rather like someone to go and see her, anyway. I couldn't possibly bear it myself. But I did hear from Robin, who'd got it from those relations of Marie Helene's, that she had a sort of stroke after Christmas. Of course, she's made her bed and she's got to lie on it. But all the same. it would be rather good to get a first-hand account from someone dependable." (Wilson)

This was the way I brought myself to think, Mother, that my best amends was to lie upon that bed I had made, and die upon it. (Dickens)

"Perhaps we can cancel the flat. We could go to the Connaught." "We will not cancel anything. If you have made our bed we shall lie on it, even if it is in the middle of a nest of vipers." (Johnson)

"I have no interest in politics," he said with finality. "there is nothing I can do to help Abner Moody. I feel sorry for him, but he made his own bed. Of course I'm sorry my father did what he did and I think it stinks - setting a father against his own son, but there was nothing I could do about it." (Upshow)

The garden at Vale View was a patch of tender colours which the miners often stopped to admire on their way back from their shift. Chiefly these colours came from flowering shrubs which Christine had planted the previous autumn, for now Andrew would allow her to do no heavy work at all. "You've made the place!" he told her, with authority. "Now sit in it." (Cronin)

From that moment I date the beginning of my career; and, unlike Lot's wife, I have never looked back. There have been ups and downs... ups and downs. The ups are a matter of European history. The downs I prefer not to remember. Well, well. As the proverbial Irishman said, I have put my hand to the plough and now I must lie on it. (Isherwood

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Russian translation

Будешь рано ложиться и рано вставать - станешь здоровым, богатым и мудрым.


Early to bed [and early to rise]


The early bird catches the worm.
An early riser is sure to be in luck.
He who sleeps catches no fish.


Кто рано ложиться и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживает.
Кто раньше встает, тот вдвое живет.
Долго спать - с долгом встать.


Well, it was not like the doctor to hold his peace at this glaring opposition to his favourite theory, and yet, to Tom's astonishment, he forbore to quote that threadbare and detestable adage, 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise' - proverbial and uncomfortable philosophy that Tom hated with all his foolish young heart. (Carey)

"You will never be healthy, wealthy and wise," he says. "Do you know that it is ten o'clock; not by my watch... but by Greenwich time." (Broughton)

"A very marked and sustained improvement?" "That's good. Off to bed now?" "Yes, off to bed now. Early to bed, early to rise - nothing like it for keeping the eye clear and the hand steady." (Wodehouse)

"I can't bear to tear myself away from the fun," she said, and it was clear that she really meant it. "But early to bed, you know. I'm sure I could do with a lot more wealth," she added with a sigh. (Wilson)

Along the driveway in the early morning spun a victoria drawn by a pair of fiery bays. There was something foreighn about the affair, for the Park is rarely used in the morning except by unimportant people who love to be healthy, poor and wise.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Beauty is only skin deep

Beauty is only skin deep

Russian translation

Красота только на поверхности.
Не в красоте ценность человека; красота преходяща.


Beauty is but skin deep.


Beauty dies and fades away, but ugly holds its own.
Prettiness dies first.
Appearances are deceptive.


Снаружи красота, внутри пустота.
Сверху мило, внутри гнило.
Лицом хорош, да душою не пригож.
Не с лица воду пить.


She says the poet is all wrong who said beauty is only skin deep; beauty begins in the mind. That's good dope, because everybody figures she has one. (Morley)

But beauty is more, after all, than bones, for while bones belong to death and endure after decay, beauty is a living thing; it is, in fact, skin deep, blue shadows on a white skin, hair falling loke golden feathers, on a white smooth forehead, it is embodied in the movement, in the smile and above all in the regard of a beautiful woman. (Mitford)

Lady Patricia was a perfect example of beauty that is but skin deep. She had once had the same face as Polly, but the fair hair had now gone white and the white skin yellow, so that she looked loke a classical statue that has been out in the weather, with a layer of snow on its head, the features smudged and smeared by damp. (Mitford)

Be as 'twill, she's a fine handsome body as far's looks be concerned. But that's only the skin of the woman. (Hardy)

Nonsence, my dear! Such shame is not even skin deep. And as to forgetting, surely you know that is Woman's First and Greatest Art? (Aldington)

Don't you think it's an exquisitely beautiful face? Ouite perfect, in its way. Like a Raphael Madonna. The other day I made an epigram. I said, Anni's beauty is only sin-deep. I hope that's original? Is it? Please laugh. (Isherwood)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Russian translation

Красота - в глазах смотрящего.
Каждый понимает красоту по-своему.


Beauty is (lies) in the eye of the gazer.


Beauty lies in lover's eyes.
Jack is no judge of Jill's beauty.


Не красивая красива, а любимая.
Не по хорошему мил, а по милу хорош.
Не то мило, что хорошо, а то хорошо, что мило.


To Tabbot she was a wife and all in all a good one, and the most beautiful woman in the world ... To my mother she was a face in the crowd and possibly a woman who had been hurt, badly misjudged, forced to play a part she wasn't suite to. There was truth in her and falsehood and there was truth and falsehood in every separate opinion of her. Beauty in the eye of the beholder. (Becker)

"When I showed you the portrait," Grant said, "before you knew who it was, did you think of villainy?" "No," said the surgeon, "no, I thought of illness." "It's odd, isn't it? I didn't think of villainly either. And now that I know who it is, now that I've read the name on the back, I can't think of it as anything but villainous." "I suppose villainy, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder." (Ted)

"Why should you not lie to a person like me?" ... "I could say I don't usually lie to lovely and attractive women for whom I have a high regard, and then you'd cynicall say I was stretching the truth till it snapped, and you'd be wrong because it is the truth, if truth lies in the eye of the beholder. I don't know if that sounds like an insult, it's never meant to be." (Maclean)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Scratch my back and I shall scratch yours

Scratch my back and I shall scratch yours

Russian translation

Почеши мне спину и я почешу тебе.
Окажи мне услугу, а я окажу тебе.


To scratch one's back.


Roll my log and I will roll yours.
One good turn deserves another.
One hand washes the other.


Ты - мне, я тебе.
Услуга за услугу.
Рука руку моет.
Долг платежом красен.


"You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," Bombini said. "Something for you, something for me. You lend me your mule, I'll lend you my ox." (Crichton)

Time and the process of modern enlightenment put things right, and misalliance passed muster very well. We are all getting liberal now; and (provided you can scratch me, if I scratch you) what do I care, in or out of Parliament, whether you are a Dustman or Duke? (Collins)

Yet Lewis, like every other author, needs praise, lashings of praise. He hungers and thirsts for it. Because he sees all sorts of other men scratching each other's backs and rolling each other's logs, he shouts in holy horror at the spectacle. However, he is so much concerned with himself that it never occurs to him to hand the same gross flattery to any friend; and so he remains a lonely figure in the little Cafe Royale, Chelsea. (Swinnerton)

Claw me and I'll claw thee, wink at me and I will not see your faults! (Adams)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Art is long, life is short

Art is long, life is short

Russian translation

Искусство долго, жизнь коротка.
Нельзя попусту растрачивать время, в жизни нужно многое успеть.


Life is short.


Art is long, time is fleeting.
Art is long and time is short.


Life is but a span.
So much to do, so little done.


Жизнь коротка, искусство вечно.
Век долог, да час дорог.


"This," opening another door, "is my chamber. I read here when the family suppose I have retired to rest. Sometimes I injure my health, rather more than I can quite justify to myself, by doing so, but art is long and time is short." (Dickens)

Art is long, and Time is fleeting, And our hearts, though stout and brave, Still, like muffled drums, are beating Funeral marches to the grave. (Longfellow)

He turned back to the table. "Let us have tea. " "I only came for a glas of water. This is..." "You came here to meet me. Please. Life is short." (Fowles)

If only, Anthony thought as he came in from his walk, if only one had two sets of eyes! James would be able to read Cadide and the Imitation simultaneously. Life was so short, and books so countlessly many. (Huxley)

By this time I was wishing I had not stepped into Chicote's... and I was tired of looking at both of these young people. Life is very short and ugly women are very long and sitting there at the table I decided that even though I was a writer and supposed to have an insatiable curiosity about all sorts of people, I did not really care to know whether those two were married, or what they saw in each other. (Hemingway)

If Art is long, Low is longer. The words Corven v. Corven and Croom rewarded no eye scanning the Cause List of The Times newspaper. Undefended suits in vast numbers occupied the attention of Mr. Justice Covell. (Galsworthy)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The rotten apple injures its neighbours

The rotten apple injures its neighbours

Russian translation

Гнилое яблоко портит соседние.
Дурное пагубно влияет на все, что с ним соприкасается.


The rotten apple spoils its companions.


One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.
One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.
Evil communications corrupt good manners.


От одного порченого яблока целый воз загнивает.
Паршивая овца все стадо портит.
С кем поведешься от того и наберешься.


Brad was the atavism, the destroyer of all he touched. Representing only an infinitesimal part of the South, and its culture, he and his kind were the rotten apples that had ruined the barrel. (Slaughter)

"The judge told me when he sentenced me that I was being an enemy to society. I thought that meant being an enemy to the high-ups, like George Bancroff. But in court language society means everybody." "You, an enemy to society!" "Well, every rotten apple in the basket is an enemy to the rest of the apples." (Hurst)

"If we take you with us," he said, in solemn words, "it can only be as believers in our own creed. We shall have no wolves in our fold. Better far that your bones should bleach in this wilderness than that you should prove to be that little speck of decay which in time corrupts the whole fruit. Will you come with us on these terms?" (Holmes)

Buffalo's got a pretty clean force. Excpt for a few two-bit chiselers like Morrison who shoot anglers on their own. Every police force has a few bad apples. (Queen)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Russian translation

По яблоку в день - и обойдешься без доктора.


Eat an apple before going to bed, and you'll make the doctor beg for his bread.


Diet cures more than the lancet.


Лук от семи недуг.
Добрый повар стоит доктора.


Of course I eat an apple every evening - an apple a day keeps the doctor away - but still, you ought to have more prunes, and not all these fancy doodads. (Lewis)

Marcer (the doctor's name) picked up an apple from the bowl, shined it on his coat-sleeve and bit into it: "One of these a day will keep me away". (Barstow)

"Poison? Who said anything about poison? This stuff - it preserves the apples. Keeps them fresh, keeps them from drying up." Mrs. Meers gave Millie her barracuda smile... "An apple a day takes an orphan away." Mrs. Meers hummed under her breath. (Morris)

"Ypo are not feeling ill, are you?" he asked, a trifle anxiously, afraid that she might be suffering from one of the few remaining infectious diseases... "Anyhow, you ought to go and see the doctor," said Henry. "A doctor a day keeps the jim-jams away," he added heartily, driving home his hypnopaedic adage with a clap on the shoulder. (Huxley)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The appetite comes with eating

The appetite comes with eating

Russian translation

Аппетит приходит во время еды.
Чем больше делаешь что-то, тем больше увлекаешься.


The appetite comes while (in) eating.


Eating and scratching want but a beginning.
Much will have more.
The more you have, the more you want.


Аппетит приходит во время еды.
Сыт покуда, как съел полпуда, а как бы проведать, где можно пообедать.


Tuscans say that the appetite comes while eating; Michaelangelo found that craftsmanship comes with working. (Stone)

But you see he suggests here that Chadband began by keeping accounts for a month or so untill he felt safe about something, and that since then he has just been swiping money out of the trust whenever he felt like it. The appetite grows with what it feeds on. (Wells)

Appearances are deceptive

Appearances are deceptive

Russian translation

Внешность обманчива.


Appearances often deceptive.
Appearances may be deceitful.


Judge not of men and things at first sight.
A fair face may hide a four heart (soul).
All is not gold that glitters.


Наружность обманчива.
Личиком гладок, да делами гадок.
Не все [то] золото, что блестит.


"What do you think, mon ami?" He looked half ashamed, half excited. "The diamond of Miss Marvell, it has been stolen." " What?" I cried springing up. "And what about the 'full of the moon' now?" Poirot hung his head. "When did this happen?" " This morning, I understand." I shook my head sadly. "If only you had listened to me . You see I was right." "It appears so, mon ami," said Poirot cautiously. "Appearances are deceptive, they say, but it certainly appears so." (Christie)

"Dear me! Dear me!" he said at last. " Well, now, who would have thought it? And how deceptive appearances may be, to be sure! Such a nice young man to look at! It is a lesson to us not to trust our own judgement, is it not, Lestrade?" (Doyle)

The hard fact was, circumstances rarely misled, and appearances were always full of truth. Neither he nor Miss Poulter, by credible or incredible claims on a more impressive background, would change the fact that people of worldly consequence are not obliged to earn their living as professional hostesses at a hotel, nor as private tutors. (Cozzens)

It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible. (Wilde)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A soft answer turneth away wrath

A soft answer turneth away wrath

Russian translation

Кроткий ответ отвращает гнев.


Soft fire makes sweet malt.
Soft and fair goes far.


Ласковое слово не трудно, а спорно.
Повинную голову меч не сечет.


I had taken a quick peek at the programme and had seen uninitialled, a minuet - which I really loathed - and a polonaise. "See," I said, and I placed my hand on his to point out the spaces. He immediately covered it with his other hand, and throwing back his hand, bellowed with laughter. "A soft answer turneth away wrath, eh, Goddess? So ever is Mars defeated by Venus." (Arnold)

She became quite an expert at the soft answer which turneth away the wine-flushed suitor without losing his custom. (Aldington)

Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words

Russian translation

Поступки говорят громче, чем слова.
Действия важнее речей.


Actions are mightier than words.
Easier said than done.
Fine words butter no parsnips.


Не верь словам, а верь делам.
Не по словам судят, а по делам.
Сказано - не доказано, надо сделать.
Совет хорошо, а дело лучше.
Не спеши языком, торопись делом.


"Only historians tell you what they thought. Research workers stick to what they did." "What they did is all I want to know. I've always been a believer in the old saw that actions speak louder than words." (Tey)

This is, therefore, one of the most perfect cases of circumstantial evidence we have ever had in our office. The circumstances speak louder than words and more emphatically than any words or any denial. (Gardner)

The clothes of the indignant aristocrat probably spoke louder than his tongue; the officer dropped his hand, and after consulting some papers in his hand, walked across to consult with the unkempt gentleman in the car. (Chesterton)

Everyone admitted the country was in a mess and all they ever seemed to do was to write and talk about it. Henrietta and Elizabeth wanted action, not words; Evelyn Larkin promised a new world. not in the future, but now. (Hawkesworth)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families

Russian translation

Несчастья случаются и в прекрасно организованных семьях.
Даже там, где все обстоит благополучно, может случиться непредвиденная неприятность.


Accidents may (can) occur in the best regulated families.
Accidents will happen.


Every family has a black sheep.
Many a good cow hath an evil (bad) calf.


Скандал в благородном семействе.
В семье не без урода.
И от доброго отца родится бешеная овца.


"Now, men, that's about all", - he continued, but in the same unctuous voice; "I'm glad to 'ave 'ad the opportunity to conduct this sad ceremony in the proper way. In the midst of life we are in death, and accidents will happen in the best regulated families". (Maugham)

In short, the banquet was such a failure that I should have been quite unhappy - about the failure, I mean, for I was always unhappy about Dora - if I had not been relieved by the great good-humour of my company, and a bright suggestion from Mr. Micawber. "My dear friend Copperfield", said Mr. Micawber, "accidents will occur in the best regulated families". (Dickens)

"Well, that's over," he reflected coolly. "I'm sorry, Manson. I didn't dream that cyst was haemorrhagic. But these things happen in the best-regulated circles, you know"

He failed to detect anything in the case which could be called particulary interesting or sensational. In his opinion the crime was the work of a complete lunatic, and such individuals existed in the best regulated countries. (Kirst)

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Russian translation

Разлука заставляет сердце любить сильнее.
Разлука усиливает любовь.


Me are best loved farthest off.
A hedge between keeps friendship green.
Distance lends enchantment to the view.

Compare in russian

Реже видишь, больше любишь.


Shall I tell you why I wanted you to come over? One idealizes people when they are away, it's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and when one sees them again one's often surprised that one saw anything in them at all. (Maugham)

It surprised and almost shoked the girl herself  to discover how pale she was getting, how the few words of ordinary greeting seemed to stick in her throat. Absence in her case had certainly and unfortunately made "the heart grow fonder". (Broughton)

Of course she'll be all right. I just wish you could have seen Jerry Coslet the day... That's the worst of it, she hasn't seen her friends. Been hanging around the kitchen too much. Just a case of absence making the heart grow fonder of the bird in hand. (Gardner)