Saturday, April 6, 2013

A bully is always a coward

A bully is always a coward
A bully is always a coward

Russian translation

Задира всегда трус.


Bullies are always cowards.


Cowards are cruel.
Cowardice is the mother of cruelty.


Шкодлив, как кошка, а труслив, как заяц.
Молодец среди овец, а на молодца и сам овца.


Crampton. Yes! Yes! What harm will it do, just for once, M'Comas? Don't let us be spoil-sports.
M'Comas. Crampton, you are not the man I took you for. (Pointedly) Bullies are always cowards. (B. Shaw)

Yahmose, whom she despised as the meekest of men, had actually been the one to kill Nofret. It turned Satipy's world upside down. Like most bullying women, she was a coward. This new Yahmose terrified her. (Christie)

Too eager caution shows some danger's near,
The bully's bluster proves the coward's fear. (Crabbe)

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