Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love

Russian translation

Везет в картах, не везет в любви.
Невезение в одной области деятельности компенсируется удачей в других.


Unlucky at cards, lucky in love.
Unlucky in love, lucky at play.


What you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts.


Кому везет в картах, тому не везет в любви.
Кому везет в любви, тому не везет в картах.


He took the car and drove in to Florence. He won quite a lot of money that day (lucky at cards, unlucky in love) and to celebrate his winning got more than a little drunk. (Maugham)

Yes. You see - I know you think I'm a fool. I know you've made up your mind to badger me until I've left Evan, and I don't mean to leave him. I can't watch you worrying yourself to death about me - it makes me feel worse. If I can't be lucky in love, perhaps I'll ... I might take to bridge. There will be compensations. (Johnson)

They had a little field of their own. All found the rich pay-dirt, but it was Cleve to whom the goddess of fortune turned her bright face. As he had been lucky at cards, so he was lucky at digging. His claim paid big returns. (Grey)

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