Thursday, April 11, 2013

Let bygones be bygones

Let bygones be bygones
Let bygones be bygones

Russian translation

Пусть прошлое останется в прошлом.
Не следует помнить прошлые обиды.


Bygones are bygones.
Bygones must be bygones.
Bygones shall be bygones.


Let the dead bury their dead.
Let all things past pass.
An injury forgiven is better than an injury revenged.


Что было, то прошло [и быльем поросло]. Кто старое помянет, тому глаз вон.
Что было, то было.
Быль молодцу не укор.


"Irene," he said, "let bygones be bygones. If I can, surely you might. Let's begin again, as if nothing had been. Won't you?" (Galsworthy)

A slight mist clouded Guy's blue eyes as he took his wife's hand and answered gently, "Say no more, my dear; we'll let bygones be bygones." (Norris)

Well, I'm afraid she won't go back to Wimpole Street, especially now that Mr. Doolittle is able to keep up the position you have thrust on her; but she says she is quite wiling to meet you on friendly terms and to let bygones be bygones. (B. Shaw)

"You never liked Harry, did you?" he said softly. "After the way he behaved to you - " Simeon cackled. He said: "Oh, but bygones must be bygones. That's the spirit for Christmas." (Chrisie)

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