Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Russian translation

Будешь рано ложиться и рано вставать - станешь здоровым, богатым и мудрым.


Early to bed [and early to rise]


The early bird catches the worm.
An early riser is sure to be in luck.
He who sleeps catches no fish.


Кто рано ложиться и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживает.
Кто раньше встает, тот вдвое живет.
Долго спать - с долгом встать.


Well, it was not like the doctor to hold his peace at this glaring opposition to his favourite theory, and yet, to Tom's astonishment, he forbore to quote that threadbare and detestable adage, 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise' - proverbial and uncomfortable philosophy that Tom hated with all his foolish young heart. (Carey)

"You will never be healthy, wealthy and wise," he says. "Do you know that it is ten o'clock; not by my watch... but by Greenwich time." (Broughton)

"A very marked and sustained improvement?" "That's good. Off to bed now?" "Yes, off to bed now. Early to bed, early to rise - nothing like it for keeping the eye clear and the hand steady." (Wodehouse)

"I can't bear to tear myself away from the fun," she said, and it was clear that she really meant it. "But early to bed, you know. I'm sure I could do with a lot more wealth," she added with a sigh. (Wilson)

Along the driveway in the early morning spun a victoria drawn by a pair of fiery bays. There was something foreighn about the affair, for the Park is rarely used in the morning except by unimportant people who love to be healthy, poor and wise.

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