Thursday, April 25, 2013

A burnt child dreads the fire

A burnt child dreads the fire
A burnt child dreads the fire


Her eyes sought for Ellen in the ruins, but she was not visible. Afraid of the new shock of the earthquake, she cowered behind the column. A burnt child dreads the fire. (West)

This pertinacity appalled him. It showed how dangerous the chap was. None of that business here of the burnt child dreading potting-shed. No sooner was this fellow out of that mess than back he came for a second pop, as malignant as ever. (Wodehouse)

A burned child urged by rankling ire Can hardly wait to get back to the fire. (Nash)

"Oh, Clark. Be careful with your insights. You're talking like a good future prospect for a husband." I forced myself to say: "No danger there. Twice burnt and all that jazz." (Thompson)

Russian translation

Обжегшийся ребенок боится огня.
Человек, потерпевший в чем-то неудачу, в будущем проявляет большую осторожность в подобных ситуациях.


A burnt child.


Burnt brains dread the fire.


The scalded cat fears cold water.
Once bitten, twice shy.
Fear has a quick ear.


Обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть и на воду.
Пуганая ворона куста боится.
Битому псу только плеть покажи.

The child is father of the man

The child is father of the man
The child is father of the man


"The child is father of the man," Wordsworth once said. Zagalo the player was father of Zagalo the coach. With Saldanha in charge, Brazil would have been more dashing in Mexico, but it is doubtful whether she would have won the Cup. Zagalo made the team work in his "little ant" way. (World Sports)

"Guy is very young," she said, rather faintly. "We mustn't forget that." "The child, madam, is father to the man," said Min Wilkin, rather with an air of one displaying the more erudite part of her mind. (Hichens)

"Law? Was it law, Anna? I don't believe it. I can't see myself in a wig getting some poor devil hanged." Anna said, "No." "It doesn't connect. After all, the child does make the man. I never wanted to be a lawyer. I did want to be an explorer - but that's unlikely. Even with this beard." (Greene)

Russian translation

Ребенок - это отец человека.
Уже в ребенке заложены черты взрослого.


The child is father to the man.


Всякий бык теленком был.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched


Although I still believe that honesty is the best policy, I dislike policy altogether, though it is just as well not to count your chickens before they are hatched, it's still more hateful to count them with gloating when they are hatched. (Lawrence)

"To tell the truth, Miss Drew, Fred and I were thunderstruck at the will which left everything to the Tophams. That wasn't what Cousin Josiah led us to believe." "It certainly wasn't," Fred spoke up. "But I guess William and I counted our chickens before they were hatched." (Keene)

"My dear," said Cosmo, "I do wish you would not count all your chickens so long before they are hatched. You're not fair to yourself. I've told you so before." Her elation disappeared. Yes, she told him, that was just his way, wasn't it? To destroy her confidence? (Johnson)

"What am I supposed to make of that?" "Don't have kittens before they're hatched. And for pity's sake don't hedge or shuffle: that never did anybody any good. Least of all your young man." (Marsh)

"And now they'll live near us and I'll have someone to talk to, won't I?" "Don't count your chickens." (Winsor)

"Well, Em?" "Dinny will have two boys and a girl." "Deuce she will! That's counting her chickens rather fast." (Galsworthy)

Russian translation

Не считай цыплят, прежде чем они вылупятся.
Не следует быть слишком уверенным в успехе, пока дело не завершено.


To count one's chickens.


Recon your chickens after they are hatched.


First catch your hare, then cook him.
Gut no fish till you got them.
Don't halloo till you are out of the wood.


Цыплят по осени считают.
Не дели шкуру неубитого медведя.
Не говори гоп, пока не перепрыгнешь.

Charity begins at home

Charity begins at home
Charity begins at home


"My family will be ruined, and brought upon the parish," said the land-jobber. "Charity begins at home," replied Tom; "I must take care of myself in these hard times." (Irving)

When, warmed by champagne, he had her all to himself, he unbosomed himself of his wrongs; of his smothered resentment against the new chef at the Club; his worry over the house in Wigmore Street, where the rascally tenant had gone bankrupt through helping his brother-in-law - as if charity did not begin at home; of his deafness, too, and that pain he sometimes got in his right side. (Galsworthy)

"He's what's called a cosmopolite," Isobel suggested. "That means he's a little of everything and not much of any. I must say I think patriotism is like charity - it begins at home." (James)

I make a rule, I never tell myself lies - never. There are few who can say that. To my mind - truth begins at home and for the most part - stops there. (Wells)

Russian translation

Благотворительность начинается дома.
Люди заботятся прежде всего о себе и своих близких.


Let them learn first to show piety at home.
Near is my coat (shirt), but nearer is my shirt (skin).
Blood is thicker than water.


Своя рубаха ближе к телу.
Свое дитя и горбато, да мило.
Рубаха кафтана ближе.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The chain is no stronger than its weakest link

The chain is no stronger than its weakest link
The chain is no stronger than its weakest link


"But you were speaking of this man Porlock." "Ah, yes - the so-called Porlock is a link in the chain some little way from its great attachment. Porlock is not quite a sound link - between ourselves. He is the only flaw in that chain so far as I have been able to test it." "But no chain is stronger than its weakest link." "Exactly, my dear Watson! Hence the extreme importance of Porlock." (Doyle)

The strength of the chain is no greater than its weakest link; but the greatness of a poet is the greatness of his greatest moment... it was what they could rise to, not what they could sink to, that made them great. (B. Shaw)

He began to persecute her because she could not keep her class in proper condition, because her class was the week link in the chain which made up the school. (Lawrence)

Russian translation

Цепь не крепче своего слабейшего звена.
Жизнестойкость коллектива (организации) определяется тем, до какой степени можно положиться на его наименее надежных членов.


One link broken, the whole chain is broken.


The thread breaks where it is weakest.
The worst spoke in a cart breaks first.


Где тонко, там и рвется.

All cats are grey in the dark

All cats are grey in the dark
All cats are grey in the dark


On their left they passed an alcove which contained two marble statues, stalwart nymphs clasping their draperies in an agony of Victorian propriety. "They are not what is admired nowadays " admitted Poirot. "But no doubt they cost much money in their time. They look better by night, I think." "Yes, one sees only a white glimmering figure." Poirot murmured: "All cats are grey in the dark!" (Christie)

"I wish you would think of what I said to you the other day. Come over to America with us, and I will put you in the way of doing some business. You have got a very good head, if you will only use it." Valentin made a genial grimace. "My head is much obliged to you. Do you mean the place in a bank?" "There are several places, but I suppose you would consider the bank the most aristocratic." Valentin burst into a laugh. "My dear fellow, at night all cats are grey! When one derogates there are no degrees." (James)

He chuckled, "How can they help creating dismal works of art? You see they live in the twilight of capitalism ... and as we say, in the twilight all cats seem gray." (Ch. and D. Carter)

Russian translation

В темноте все кошки серы.
Все люди (предметы) темноте кажутся одинаковыми.


When candles are out all cats are grey.
All cats are grey at night.


Joan's as good as my lady in the dark.


Ночью все кошки серы.
Ночью все кони вороные.
И урод ночью красавец.

When the cat is away, the mice will play

When the cat is away, the mice will play
When the cat is away, the mice will play


Mr. Tulkinghorn, deceased, he held all these horses in his hand, and could have drove 'em his own way, I haven't a doubt; but he was fetched off the box head-foremost, and are all dragging and pulling their own ways. So it is, and such is life. The cat's away, and the mice they play. (Dickens)

What noise was that? Gramophone going in the kitchen! When the cat was away, the mice! People were all alike - take what they could get, and give as little as they could for it. (Galsworthy)

The only times they ever shot at me were at evening, from out of the bushes. I was within their range, but they were out of mine. Out of the range of my consciousness and will. That was why they had the courage to shoot. When the man's away, the bugs will play. (Huxley)

A piece of tinfoil on the pavement resisted the broom. I had to stoop down and lift it with a fingernail. Those assistant bank mice were really mousing the hour with Cat Baker away. (Steinbeck)

Russian translation

Когда кошки нет, мыши резвятся.
В отсутствие начальства или старшего лица подчиненные или младшие по возрасту (по положению) ведут себя более вольно.


When the cat is away.


While the cat is away, the mice [may] play.
The cat is away, and the mice play.


The mouse lordships where a cat is not.
Sport as you may while the master's away.


Кот из дома - мыши в пляс.
Мыши танцуют, когда кота не чуют.
Без кота мышам раздолье.